
The inter-disciplinary dance work Tumutumu was a collaboration between Louise Pōtiki Bryant and taonga puoro (Māori traditional instruments) authority Richard Nunns.

Tumutumu had an original soundscape by Paddy Free with live accompaniment by Richard Nunns. The Tumutumu is a type of taonga pūoro - a percussion instrument which can be made from various types of stone including pounamu, or other materials such as wood and bone. The tumutumu is mostly associated with the southern part of Aotearoa and were used in whare wānanga (houses of learning) to accompany intoned learnings. The dance work Tumutumu takes inspiration from Louise’s relationship with a particular tumutumu made from the root of a pōhutukawa tree. Tumutumu integrates Louise’s whakaahua dance practice with her interdisciplinary and video art practices.