Tūātea, by Louise Pōtiki Bryant, was commissioned for the Waka Festival 2020, then went on to be exhibited on the Mana Moana Digital Ocean.
Tūātea has also been projected onto water screens at festivals both nationally and internationally between 2020 - 2022 as part of the Mana Moana project.
Tūātea is inspired by Hinemoana, atua wahine of the moana, and explores the power of the huge breaking waves of an oceanic storm and the profound claim at the lowest depths of the ocean, even when the surface of the moana is at it’s most turbulent.
Tūātea features Pōtiki Bryant and dancer Bianca Hyslop, with music by Paddy Free and taonga pūoro by Horomona Horo.
Concept, Director, Editor, Animator - Louise Pōtiki Bryant
Director of Photography - Paddy Free
Dancers - Bianca Hyslop, Louise Pōtiki Bryant
Composer - Paddy Free
Taonga Puoro - Horomona Horo